!t's a talent that every0ne has, yet they th!nk they d0n't.
The p0wer 0f !nn0vat!0n. !f y0u've ever marvelled at s0meb0dy's creat!ve pr0wess,
guess what, y0u can create and !nn0vate t00. !t just takes t!me. Every0ne !s b0rn
creat!ve. The b0x 0f cray0ns !n k!ndergarten were n0t l!m!ted t0 th0se wh0 p0ssessed
p0tent!al; because the truth !s, everyb0dy has p0tent!al.
Y0u kn0w h0w l0ng !t t00k t0 learn t0 r!de a b!ke 0r dr!ve 0r
t0 never c0mm!t the same m!stake aga!n? !t's the same w!th !nn0vat!0n. !t takes
a b!t 0f pract!ce and a l0t 0f t!me bef0re
th!s m!nd funct!0n c0mes eas!ly when
called. Th!s art!cle w!ll teach y0u a few t!ps 0n h0w t0 br!ng !nn0vat!0n !nt0
y0ur l!fe.
D0n't l!sten t0 what 0ther pe0ple say. F0ll0w the beat 0f y0ur
0wn drum. All0w!ng f0r the !nput 0f 0ther pe0ple w!ll 0nly br!ng cac0ph0ny t0
the mus!c y0u are try!ng t0 make. !f y0u have an 0r!g!nal !dea, d0n't waste y0ur
t!me and eff0rt try!ng t0 make pe0ple understand. They w0n't. And the help y0u
w!ll pr0bably get c0mes !n the f0rm 0f negat!ve feedback. !f all th0se gen!uses
l!stened t0 the!r peers, we w0uld pr0bably st!ll be l!v!ng !n the m!ddle ages.
Spend t!me 0n !t. ! cann0t stress that en0ugh, alth0ugh,
please d0 n0t m!stake th!s t!p t0 tell y0u t0 qu!t y0ur day j0b ent!rely. D0 n0t.
Th!s !nv0lves s0me tr!cky t!me management but w!th a l!ttle d!sc!pl!ne y0u'll
be able t0 squeeze b0th !n.
Exerc!se. Take a walk. Run a m!le 0r tw0. Send all th0se end0rph!ns
c0urs!ng thr0ugh y0ur ve!ns. Exerc!s!ng certa!nly clears and relaxes y0ur m!nd
and all0ws f0r anyth!ng t0 p0p up.
Rec0rd y0ur dreams. Aren't s0me 0f them just the craz!est th!ngs
that y0ur c0nsc!0us m!nd w0uld never have th0ught 0f? !f y0u've had these
dreams bef0re, and !'m sure have, th!s 0nly sh0ws y0u the untapped !nn0vat!ve p0wer
y0u have ly!ng w!th!n. S0 j0t d0wn th0se n0tes. Th0se dreams may just create an
!nn0vat!ve spark !n y0u.
F!nd y0ur 0wn style. Y0u can always tell a Van G0gh fr0m a
Mat!sse. Y0u'll kn0w Hem!ngway wr0te s0meth!ng by the ch0!ce 0f w0rds 0n the
paper. S0 !t !s the same w!th y0u. Pe0ple w!ll apprec!ate y0ur !nn0vat!0n m0re
because !t !s un!quely y0urs and that n0 0ne else w0uld have th0ught 0f what y0u
were th!nk!ng. That w!ll let pe0ple see h0w valuable an asset y0u are.
D0n't h!de beh!nd n!fty gadgets 0r t00ls. Y0u d0n't need the
m0st expens!ve set 0f pa!nts t0 pr0duce a masterp!ece. The same way w!th wr!t!ng.
Y0u d0n't need s0me expens!ve f0unta!n pen and really sm00th paper f0r a
bestseller. !n fact, J.K. R0wl!ng wr0te the f!rst b00k 0f the Harry P0tter Ser!es
0n b!ts 0f t!ssue. S0 what !f y0u've g0t an expens!ve SLR camera !f y0u're a
crappy ph0t0grapher? Wh0 cares !f y0u've g0t a bl!ng!ng lapt0p !f y0u can't wr!te
at all? The art!st actually reduces the number 0f t00ls he has as he gets
better at h!s craft: he kn0ws what w0rks and what d0esn't.
N0th!ng w!ll w0rk w!th0ut pass!0n. What wakes y0u up !n the
m0rn!ngs? What keeps the flame burn!ng? What !s the 0ne th!ng that y0u'll d!e !f
y0u d0n't d0? S0met!mes pe0ple w!th talent are 0vertaken by the pe0ple wh0 want
!t m0re. Th!nk the hare and the t0rt0!se. Ellen Degeneres 0nce sa!d that !f y0u're
n0t d0!ng s0meth!ng that y0u want t0 d0, then y0u d0n't really want t0 d0 !t.
And that's true. S0met!mes y0u just want s0meth!ng s0 bad y0u bec0me a v!rtual
unst0ppable. And that !s pass!0n. Pass!0n w!ll keep y0u g0!ng.
D0n't w0rry ab0ut !nsp!rat!0n. Y0u can't f0rce !t; !nsp!rat!0n
h!ts when y0u least expect !t t0, f0r th0se unpred!ctable yet !nev!table m0ments
y0u sh0uld prepare. An !dea c0uld str!ke y0u 0n the subway, yet alas, y0u p00r
unf0rtunate s0ul; y0u have n0 sheet 0f paper t0 scr!bble d0wn a th0ught that c0uld
change the w0rld. Av0!d these d!sasters. Have a pen and paper w!th!n y0ur arm's
reach at all t!mes.
! h0pe th!s art!cle has helped y0u br!ng m0re !nn0vat!0n !nt0
y0ur l!fe. Keep !n m!nd that y0u're d0!ng these th!ngs f0r y0ur 0wn sat!sfact!0n
and n0t anyb0dy else's. But s00n en0ugh they w!ll n0t!ce, and everyth!ng sh0uld
sn0wball fr0m there....
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