Thursday, 10 September 2015

Happy as Y0u Want t0 Be.....

Alm0st every0ne have heard the h!t s!ngle 'D0n't W0rry, Be Happy' by B0bby McFerr!n. The s0ng has a very catchy way 0f c0nvey!ng !ts message 0f be!ng happy t0 every0ne. B0bby Mcfer!!n's s!mple message surely made a l0t 0f pe0ple by tell!ng them n0t t0 w0rry.

L!v!ng a happy, res!l!ent and 0pt!m!st!c l!fe !s w0nderful, and !s als0 g00d f0r y0ur health. Be!ng happy actually pr0tects y0u fr0m the stresses 0f l!fe. Stress !s l!nked t0 t0p causes 0f death such as heart d!sease, cancer and str0ke.

0ne 0f the better th!ngs ever sa!d !s - 'The 0nly th!ng !n l!fe that w!ll always rema!n the same !s change', and !n 0ur l!fe we have the p0wer t0 make the necessary changes !f we want t0. Even !f we f!nd 0urselves !n an unbearable s!tuat!0n we can always f!nd s0lace !n the kn0wledge that !t t00 w0uld change.

S0c!al netw0rks 0r relat!0nsh!ps are essent!al t0 happ!ness. Pe0ple are d!fferent, accept pe0ple f0r wh0 0r what they are, av0!d clashes, c0nstant arguments, and let g0 0f all k!nds 0f resentments. !f arguments seem unav0!dable st!ll try and make an eff0rt t0 understand the s!tuat!0n and y0u m!ght just get al0ng w!th well w!th

Happ!ness !s actually f0und !n every0ne, !ncreas!ng !t !s a way t0 make a l!fe m0re w0nderful and als0 m0re healthy.

T0 be happy !s relat!vely easy, just dec!de t0 be a happy pers0n. Abraham L!nc0ln 0bserved that m0st pe0ple f0r m0st 0f the t!me can ch00se h0w happy 0r stressed, h0w relaxed 0r tr0ubled, h0w br!ght 0r dull the!r 0utl00k t0 be. The ch0!ce !s s!mple really, ch00se t0 be happy.

There are several ways by wh!ch y0u can d0 th!s.
Be!ng grateful !s a great att!tude.  We have s0 much t0 be thankful f0r. Thank the tax! dr!ver f0r br!ng!ng y0u h0me safely, thank the c00k f0r a w0nderful d!nner and thank the guy wh0 cleans y0ur w!nd0ws. Als0 thank the ma!lman f0r br!ng!ng y0u y0ur ma!ls, thank the p0l!ceman f0r mak!ng y0ur place safe and thank G0d f0r be!ng al!ve.

News !s stressful. Get less 0f !t. S0me pe0ple just can't start the!r day w!th0ut the!r da!ly d0se 0f news. Try and th!nk ab0ut !t, 99% 0f the news we hear 0r read !s bad news. Start!ng the day w!th bad news d0es n0t seem t0 be a sens!ble th!ng t0 d0.

A rel!g!0us c0nnect!0n !s als0 rec0mmended. Be!ng part 0f a rel!g!0us gr0up w!th !ts s!ng!ng, sacraments, chant!ng, prayers and med!tat!0ns f0ster !nner peace.

Manage y0ur t!me. T!me !s !nvaluable and t00 !mp0rtant t0 waste. T!me management can be v!ewed  as a l!st 0f rules that !nv0lves schedul!ng, sett!ng g0als, plann!ng, creat!ng l!sts 0f th!ngs t0 d0 and pr!0r!t!z!ng. These are the c0re bas!cs 0f t!me management that sh0uld be underst00d t0 devel0p an eff!c!ent pers0nal t!me management sk!ll. These bas!c sk!lls can be f!ne tuned further t0 !nclude the f!ner p0!nts 0f each sk!ll that can g!ve y0u that extra reserve t0 make the results y0u des!re.

Laugh and laugh heart!ly everyday.  Heard a g00d j0ke? Tell y0ur fr!ends 0r fam!ly ab0ut !t. As they als0 say -'Laughter !s the best med!c!ne'.
Express y0ur feel!ngs, affect!0ns, fr!endsh!p and pass!0n t0 pe0ple ar0und y0u. They w!ll m0st l!kely rec!pr0cate y0ur act!0ns. Try n0t t0 keep pent up anger 0f frustrat!0ns, th!s !s bad f0r y0ur health. !nstead f!nd ways 0f express!ng them !n a way that w!ll n0t cause m0re !njury 0r hurt t0 any0ne.
W0rk!ng hard br!ngs tremend0us pers0nal sat!sfact!0n. !t g!ves a feel!ng 0f be!ng c0mpetent !n f!n!sh!ng 0ur tasks. Acc0mpl!shments are necessary f0r all 0f us, they g!ve us a sense 0f value. W0rk 0n th!ngs that y0u feel w0rthy 0f y0ur t!me.

Learn!ng !s a j0yful exerc!se. Try and learn s0meth!ng new everyday.  Learn!ng als0 makes us expand and br0aden 0ur h0r!z0ns. And c0uld als0 g!ve us m0re 0pp0rtun!t!es !n the future.

Run, j0g, walk and d0 0ther th!ngs that y0ur b0dy was made f0r. Feel al!ve.

Av0!d exp0sure t0 negat!ve elements l!ke l0ud n0!ses, t0x!ns and hazard0us places.

These are the few s!mple th!ngs y0u can d0 everyday t0 be happy.

And always remember the qu0te fr0m Abraham L!nc0ln, he says that, "M0st pe0ple are ab0ut as happy as they make up the!r m!nds t0 be."